Discussion: 5 Remedies for a Book Slump

Saturday, 19 September 2015

You know that feeling when *nothing* is really keeping your attention when you read? EVERYTHING you go to pick up just ends up being 'meh'. Books have lost their spark and reading just seems like something you don't enjoy anymore. Nothing new has come along yet to rescue you from this melancholy state of the same-old story with a DNF result.

I've certainly been there, and a lot of other bookworms out there have felt the same way too at one point or another. So today I'm here to share my tips on getting over that book slump and finding reading fun again!

1. Realise that denying you were in a book slump in the first place wasn't the best idea

Being in denial is not going to end well. Facing the fact that yes, you are in this sorry situation and then moving on with the following tips is the way to go. There is help out there, not all hope is lost! Rest assured, with so many new (and old) novel adventures awaiting you eventually there is bound to be something better on the horizon. 

2. Let go of those negative emotions, and have an open mind to find something new

These are common reactions to books of someone who is exhibiting the symptoms of a reading slumper:

Exhibit a) I JUST CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS STORY RIGHT NOW! (Either the characters are annoying, the plot seemingly nonexistent or everything is just not working)

Note: This can be totally normal on the ocassion that you just don't like *a* book. But if it happens more often and consecutively, there may be a book slump situation at hand. 

Exhibit b) I FEEL NOTHING. This is the result if you keep reading books and just cannot connect to the characters or feel sorry because the most horrible thing has happened/ a favourite has died. 

So what can you do?


That's right - vent if you need to, move on, clear your head and get ready for step 3.

3. Go on the hunt for new bookish victims to devour 

With the bookish community now bigger than ever, there are so many ways to get the goss on what's hot right now, and perhaps some lesser-known captivating page-turners.

  • Head to twitter/goodreads/instagram
Social media is a haven for enthusiastic bookworms who will push books at you like nobody's business. If you put a call out on one of these sites, there is sure to be someone willing to help and give some handy suggestions on what you might like. 

  • Try a bookstore
Looking at the shelves in a bookstore always gives me ideas and reminds me of the many reads I still need to get to. The bonus with this is, if you see something that really catches your eye, you can buy it then and there.

  • Borrow at the library
This no-risk method is perhaps a good one for those who have been deeply affected by their slump and lost confidence in books altogether. In borrowing a book, at least if you don't like it (again) then it can be returned, no fuss. 

4. Read a book, and eventually when you realise it's freakin' awesome - EMBRACE IT.

When you've gone through step 3 and have found something AMAZING once more, take a moment to reflect. Smell the pages (if that takes your fancy), write a rave review, make some fan art, or just bask in its glory. Then you are ready for the final step in this process:


Getting out of a book slump is something to celebrate! Blog about it, share it with your world of bookish friends and let people know you're back to being a functional bookworm again. It's a good feeling, and something exciting indeed. Connect with other readers of that TOTALLY EPIC book you just read, and share your experiences. Not only can you make some new friends. but now with a newfound vitality can go on to read many more books with a fresh perspective.

So what do you think of my tips? How do you get out of a book slump (if you've ever had one), or how would you react if you did?


  1. Getting into a book slump is so hard to get out of! But I definitely agree, finding an awesome book that you want to read would definitely get you out of it. For example, that book that has been on your shelf for a long time or even a re-read! Great advice Genie.

    1. It definitely can be - though at least once you find that *one* fabulous book, you can get back into the swing of things again!

  2. I think I'm actually going through a pretty bad book slump right about now. It's like every book I pick up has been a meh read. So I've started reading books that I already read and loved and I'm feeling my spark come back again so that usually helps me. Or like you said, just ask around for some good books because this bookish community is huge and amaxing!♡♡

    1. Oh no! I hope you find something good soon - there's bound to be something amazing out there somewhere that catches your eye :)

  3. REREAD!!! I aaaalways reread Harry Potter when I'm in a reading slump and it's great, I love it!

    1. That's a great tip Lara! Harry Potter is always a good cure for a slump, it's helped me more than once get back into reading :)

  4. This ALWAYS tends to happen to me around exam time, just because I can't focus on anything I'm reading - I'm too busy worrying about school, which SUCKS because reading is what usually relaxes me. Complete Catch-22. These are excellent tips <3

    1. Same here Emily - I read much better when I'm more relaxed and can just focus on the book. Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. Haha I LOVE THIS!! I hate book slumps! They are one of the most frustrating things for us bookish people FOR SURE! Great post!! :)

    1. They are the worst! Thankfully they don't have to last forever, it's just about finding the next amazing read to blow you away. Thanks Lisa :)

  6. EEEP how did I not see this post. It is perfect! I was in such a slump last week because I was forcing myself to finish off ARCs I wasn't feeling 100% into. But your suggestions are bang on. Sometimes it's easier to just let go and move on. I love going to bookstores when I have a slump. It gets me right back into the mood!

    1. Yes, sometimes when books just aren't working out, it can be good to get into something else you enjoy more, and then come back if you need to. Bookstores are the best for rejuvenating a booklover - SO MANY lovelies to choose from!

  7. I need to save this post for the next time I am in an emotional book slump. Unfortunately, I am in a different kind of book slump at the moment where I am so swamped with school work that I'm not really having any time to read books for fun! And that is not the kind of book slump I can solve so easily. Still, I will have one of these again soon, in which case I will do as you say and end up the happy fangirl I were.

    1. I'm in the same kind of book slump at the moment Heather - it is hard to keep up with and balance reading with school sometimes, especially in the busy periods! Hopefully you have lots of books to look forward to when there's more time though :)

  8. Love this post and all the tips you have given us! In fact, I have never been in a book slump before. I'm actually not reading as much as before because of school but what I do read I love ^.^ I think this was a great post though and I like these tips :D

    1. Glad you liked it Olivia-Savannah :) It's good that you haven't been in a slump yet, hopefully you aren't in one for a long time! If it does happen though, there is still hope out there.

  9. It has been a long time since I've been in a reading slump and most of the times they are caused by: 1. being too busy with fun real life things and 2. being addicted to a new TV show, haha. I just embrace those moods and go with the flow :)

    1. That's a good way to see it Mel - life does after all have more to it than just reading (I too definitely get addicted to TV shows when I find something new to love!) and the 'go with the flow' approach can definitely help in keeping a balance. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and stopping by :)


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