Looking forward to seeing what you choose!
Triumph Over To-Reads (1)
Friday, 31 October 2014
So as you all probably know, like most bookworms I have a TBR problem. The amount of books I have on my goodreads 'to read' shelf is enough to seem impossible at the moment, and I feel bad not reading the books that I have actually bought for myself because of needing to get to review copies and putting them first.
Looking forward to seeing what you choose!
In an attempt to fix the problem, I am going to run this every month for you guys to decide what I read next out of the books that I already have. I'll let you decide by putting up a voting system, where whatever book receives the most votes gets a post on the blog. The book with the second highest number of votes will go into the next draw.
Without further ado, for this month the choices are:
Looking forward to seeing what you choose!
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12:00 am
Reader's Choice
Triumph Over To-Reads
YA Contemporary
YA Mystery
YA Science Fiction
Thursday, 30 October 2014
There are so many fantastic upcoming releases to look forward to in the world of YA, and many of them have beautiful covers too! For this first edition of cover love, I've picked The Cage by Megan Shepherd!
Four other teenagers have also been taken: a beautiful model, a tattooed smuggler, a secretive genius, and an army brat who seems to know too much about Cora's past. None of them have a clue as to what happened, and all of them have secrets. As the unlikely group struggles for leadership, they slowly start to trust each other. But when their mysterious jailer appears--a handsome young guard named Cassian--they realize that their captivity is more terrifying than they could ever imagine: their captors aren't from Earth. And they have taken they five teenagers to an otherworldly zoo--where the exhibits are humans.
When a forbidden attraction develops between Cora and Cassian, she realizes that her best chance of escape might be in the arms of her own jailer--though that would mean leaving the others behind. Can Cora manage to save herself and her companions? And if so…what world lies beyond the walls of their cages.

When Cora Mason wakes in a desert, she
doesn't know where she is or who put her there. As she explores, she finds an
impossible mix of environments--tundra next to desert, farm next to jungle--and
a strangely empty town cobbled together from different cultures and time
periods, all watched over by eerie black windows. And she isn't alone.
Four other teenagers have also been taken: a beautiful model, a tattooed smuggler, a secretive genius, and an army brat who seems to know too much about Cora's past. None of them have a clue as to what happened, and all of them have secrets. As the unlikely group struggles for leadership, they slowly start to trust each other. But when their mysterious jailer appears--a handsome young guard named Cassian--they realize that their captivity is more terrifying than they could ever imagine: their captors aren't from Earth. And they have taken they five teenagers to an otherworldly zoo--where the exhibits are humans.
When a forbidden attraction develops between Cora and Cassian, she realizes that her best chance of escape might be in the arms of her own jailer--though that would mean leaving the others behind. Can Cora manage to save herself and her companions? And if so…what world lies beyond the walls of their cages.
Releasing 26th May 2015
Posted by
12:00 am
Cover Love
Megan Shepherd
The Cage
YA Dystopian
YA Science Fiction
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where the participants tell their readers about an upcoming release they are waiting to read. This week I've picked To Love A Sunburnt Country by perhaps my favourite author of all time - Jackie French.
The year is 1942 and the world is at war.
Nancy Clancy is 16 and left school to spend a year droving, just like her
grandfather Clancy of the Overflow was famed for. Now Nancy's family has sent
her to Malaya to bring home her sister-in-law Moira and baby Gavin. Moira is
British and married to Nancy's brother Ben, who is now a soldier. Malaya is
under threat from the Japanese, but despite the warnings Moira has resisted
leaving as she wants to stay near her husband. When Malaya is invaded, Nancy,
Moira and Gavin are fortunate to get out before Singapore falls. When their
ship is bombed they end up stranded on an island where they, and some other
colonial women, are captured. There begins the nightmare and horror of
internment in a Japanese camp.
Back home at Gibber's Creek families are doing their bit for the war. They worry constantly about their men who are fighting - and now those who are missing after Singapore falls. Powerful, compelling and confronting, this is a book that pulls no punches.
Filled with emotional truth and heartfelt agony, this unforgettable fourth book in The Matilda Saga continues the journey that started with A Waltz for Matilda.
Back home at Gibber's Creek families are doing their bit for the war. They worry constantly about their men who are fighting - and now those who are missing after Singapore falls. Powerful, compelling and confronting, this is a book that pulls no punches.
Filled with emotional truth and heartfelt agony, this unforgettable fourth book in The Matilda Saga continues the journey that started with A Waltz for Matilda.
Jackie French's works never cease to amaze me, impress me, and simply blow me away. I have been following and reading the Matilda sage ever since the first book, and before that with 'A Rose for the Anzac Boys'. I can tell this one is going to be just as good and I simply can't wait to read it. Yes, the bar is high - but if I've learnt anything by reading novels by this author is that she always delivers above and beyond what I ever expect
Posted by
12:00 am
Jackie French. Matilda saga
To Love A Sunburnt Country
YA Historical Fiction
Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Released: 14th January 1963 (original)
Published by: Harper Perennial Modern Classics
Genre: Modern Classics
Source: Library
Pages: 244
My Rating: 5 of 5 stars
Goodreads | Bookworld | Book Depository
Esther Greenwood is at college and is fighting two battles, one against her own desire for perfection in all things - grades, boyfriend, looks, career - and the other against remorseless mental illness. As her depression deepens she finds herself encased in it, bell-jarred away from the rest of the world. This is the story of her journey back into reality. Highly readable, witty and disturbing, The Bell Jar is Sylvia Plath's only novel and was originally published under a pseudonym in 1963. What it has to say about what women expect of themselves, and what society expects of women, is as sharply relevant today as it has always been.
I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am.
Sylvia Plath is widely renowned for her poignant confessional poetry, and in this case with her first and only novel, she demonstrated her skill as a writer and ability to craft a story that contains some parallels to her own tumultuous life. Written in Plath's signature style of unflinching honesty and a touch of satire, its plot is an enthralling and thought-provoking one. It provides a unique insight into the life of Esther Greenwood, a nineteen year old student trying to balance her ambitions with the expectations of American society at the time; along with her increasingly unstable mental state.
If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days.
From the very beginning of this work I was engrossed in the pages and drawn to Plath's captivating prose. Every description has the perfect words which form sentences that flow so well. I could truly imagine what it would be like in New York in the 1950's and understand the path that Esther was taking. It explores her cynical perspectives of some of the other women in her group at the magazine internship to trying to manage relationships and find her place in 'the bell jar' which she feels trapped in, Esther's character seemed to be developed to be both real and flawed at the same time due to her own idiosyncrasies and nuances. Every element of this novel fitted together to communicate her downward spiral into depression and eventual suicidal tendencies, which is confronting, while providing a perspective on what the view was regarding mental illness back then.
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
I lift my eyes and all is born again.
Her encroaching descent into madness is explored somewhat subtly at first, until the telltale cracks in her facade begin to appear. From spending time in various mental institutions, experiencing electroshock therapy and seeking relief from her illness, Esther's character undergoes some drastic transformations. She never wished to be the stereotypical 1950's housewife, and craved independence as a writer and as a woman. Towards the end there is an air of ambivalence present, and while the ending is not what I may have expected, when I came to think about it I found it quite fitting.
If you are a fan of Plath's work and haven't read this book, then I would definitely recommend it. Her ability to write such moving works may come from experience, but are nonetheless created to a standard which allows them to stand on their own accord. This is a novel that I will remember for a long time, and may even find myself re-visiting somewhere down the track.
If you are a fan of Plath's work and haven't read this book, then I would definitely recommend it. Her ability to write such moving works may come from experience, but are nonetheless created to a standard which allows them to stand on their own accord. This is a novel that I will remember for a long time, and may even find myself re-visiting somewhere down the track.
Posted by
5:58 pm
5 stars
Sylvia Plath
The Bell Jar
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to my weekly blog feature to recap the week with bookish news and what to expect coming up! So without further ado...
*Reading Right Now*

*Previous Posts*
- The Liebster Award
- Top Ten Tuesday: Series I Need To Start
- Waiting on Wednesday: In The Afterlight
- Cover Reveal: You and Everything After by Ginger Scott
- Dual Review: The Graveyard Book Graphic Novels by Neil Gaiman
- Review: The Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman
*Recommendation of the Week*

This probably has to be one of my top three favourite dystopian series EVER and HarperCollins YA is doing a read-along for it using the hashtag #BTCBookClub. I'd definitely recommend this book and I can't wait for the release of the third in the trilogy 'In The Afterlight'!
*From The Interwebs*
- Jeann @ Happy Indulgence discussed Chatterbox: Didn’t Like the Book? We Won’t Flame You.
- Cait @ Notebook Sisters wrote about how to write 10 000 words in one day
- Emily @ The Loony Teen Writer did The Harry Potter Book Tag
- Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity talked about crying because of books
*Book Haul*
- Dissonance by Erica O'Rourke - The idea of parallel worlds sounds great in this one, so I'm really looking forward to it. Thank you to Simon and Schuster Australia for this copy!
- The Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman - I've read it this week because I couldn't resist delving into the pages with such pretty illustrations. Big thanks to Bloomsbury Australia for the copy to review :)
- Belzhar by Meg Wolitzer - I won this from Brit at 'Crash My Book Party Reviews' and can't wait to start it!
*Movie Reactions*
I had read the book before going to see the movie, which I ended up loving. There were a few minor changes and things that weren't included, but overall the acting by Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike really reflected the characters of Nick and Amy well, and the eerie music added to the tension and mystery of it all.
Posted by
12:00 am
Genie's Weekly News
Ginger Scott
In The Afterlight
Neil Gaiman
The Graveyard Book
The Sleeper and the Spindle
Top Ten Tuesday
You and Everything After
Saturday, 25 October 2014

Released: 23rd October 2014
Published by: Bloomsbury
Genre: Fantasy, Fairytales, Illustrated
Source: Publisher
Pages: 72
My Rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Goodreads | Bookworld | Book Depository
A thrillingly reimagined fairy tale from the truly magical combination of author Neil Gaiman and illustrator Chris Riddell – weaving together a sort-of Snow White and an almost Sleeping Beauty with a thread of dark magic, which will hold readers spellbound from start to finish.
On the eve of her wedding, a young queen sets out to rescue a princess from an enchantment. She casts aside her fine wedding clothes, takes her chain mail and her sword and follows her brave dwarf retainers into the tunnels under the mountain towards the sleeping kingdom. This queen will decide her own future – and the princess who needs rescuing is not quite what she seems. Twisting together the familiar and the new, this perfectly delicious, captivating and darkly funny tale shows its creators at the peak of their talents.
Lavishly produced, packed with glorious Chris Riddell illustrations enhanced with metallic ink, this is a spectacular and magical gift.
On the eve of her wedding, a young queen sets out to rescue a princess from an enchantment. She casts aside her fine wedding clothes, takes her chain mail and her sword and follows her brave dwarf retainers into the tunnels under the mountain towards the sleeping kingdom. This queen will decide her own future – and the princess who needs rescuing is not quite what she seems. Twisting together the familiar and the new, this perfectly delicious, captivating and darkly funny tale shows its creators at the peak of their talents.
Lavishly produced, packed with glorious Chris Riddell illustrations enhanced with metallic ink, this is a spectacular and magical gift.
Thank you to Bloomsbury Publishers Australia for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
When it comes to the realm of fairytale retellings, there is an abundance of novels around to choose from. However, to find a gem like this interwoven with intricate illustrations is just something else. Melding together Snow White and Sleeping Beauty while still keeping in with that original twist Neil Gaiman has placed on it, this is a story that brings fantasy into a different and slightly darker light.
You really can't overestimate the beauty of this book, both inside and out. The jacket cover itself is translucent which is quite a unique touch, and shows through the image of the sleeping woman who is on the actual hardback itself. At a short 72 pages, this has a very broad audience, where both younger readers and older fans can indulge in the metallic sheen of the golds and black and white sketches which make an appearance on every page.
The minimal colour palette with the black and gold theme suited the atmosphere of the story well, although some might be expecting a bit more brightness and flair with a full-colour version. However, I found that this style reinforced the fact that this isn't simply the typical fairytale story, and stands on its own merits. I especially enjoyed looking at the 2-page spreads of illustrations which there were a few of, which convey moments in the novel that words do not need to express.
There was a good ratio of words to pictures in this book, and everything balanced out perfectly. I love how instead of there being the stereotypical 'Prince Charming' there is a Queen who wants to save a city, with the aid of some dwarfs too. Two fairytales in this case is even better than one, and it was interesting to see how they intertwined with each other.
Posted by
4:00 pm
4.5 stars
Graphic Novel
Neil Gaiman
The Sleeper and the Spindle
YA Fantasy
Friday, 24 October 2014

The Graveyard Book Graphic Novel by P. Craig Russell/Neil Gaiman
Released: 31st July 2014
Series: The Graveyard Book Graphic Novel vol #1
Genre: Paranormal
Source: Publisher
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars
Goodreads | Bookworld | Book Depository
The first volume of a glorious two-volume, full-color graphic novel adaptation of Neil Gaiman's #1 New York Times bestselling and Newbery Medal-winning novel The Graveyard Book, adapted by P. Craig Russell and illustrated by an extraordinary team of renowned artists.
Inventive, chilling, and filled with wonder, Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book reaches new heights in this stunning adaptation. Artists Kevin Nowlan, P. Craig Russell, Tony Harris, Scott Hampton, Galen Showman, Jill Thompson, and Stephen B. Scott lend their own signature styles to create an imaginatively diverse and yet cohesive interpretation of Neil Gaiman's luminous novel. Volume One contains Chapter One through the Interlude, while Volume Two will include Chapter Six to the end.
Inventive, chilling, and filled with wonder, Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book reaches new heights in this stunning adaptation. Artists Kevin Nowlan, P. Craig Russell, Tony Harris, Scott Hampton, Galen Showman, Jill Thompson, and Stephen B. Scott lend their own signature styles to create an imaginatively diverse and yet cohesive interpretation of Neil Gaiman's luminous novel. Volume One contains Chapter One through the Interlude, while Volume Two will include Chapter Six to the end.

Released: 11th September 2014
Series: The Graveyard Book Graphic Novel vol #2
Genre: Paranormal
Source: Publisher
My Rating: 4.5 of 5 stars
Goodreads | Bookworld | Book Depository
It Takes a Graveyard to Raise a Child.
Nobody Owens, known as Bod, is a normal boy. He would be completely normal if he didn't live in a graveyard, being raised by ghosts, with a guardian who belongs to neither the world of the living nor the dead. There are adventures in the graveyard for a boy--an ancient Indigo Man, a gateway to the abandoned city of ghouls, the strange and terrible Sleer. But if Bod leaves the graveyard, he will be in danger from the man Jack--who has already killed Bod's family.
Each chapter in this adaptation by P. Craig Russell is illustrated by a different luminary from the comic book world, showcasing a variety of styles from a breadth of talent. Together, they bring Neil Gaiman's award-winning, nationally bestselling novel The Graveyard Book to new life in this gorgeously illustrated two-volume graphic novel adaptation. Volume One contains Chapter One through the Interlude, while Volume Two includes Chapter Six to the end.
Nobody Owens, known as Bod, is a normal boy. He would be completely normal if he didn't live in a graveyard, being raised by ghosts, with a guardian who belongs to neither the world of the living nor the dead. There are adventures in the graveyard for a boy--an ancient Indigo Man, a gateway to the abandoned city of ghouls, the strange and terrible Sleer. But if Bod leaves the graveyard, he will be in danger from the man Jack--who has already killed Bod's family.
Each chapter in this adaptation by P. Craig Russell is illustrated by a different luminary from the comic book world, showcasing a variety of styles from a breadth of talent. Together, they bring Neil Gaiman's award-winning, nationally bestselling novel The Graveyard Book to new life in this gorgeously illustrated two-volume graphic novel adaptation. Volume One contains Chapter One through the Interlude, while Volume Two includes Chapter Six to the end.
Although I'm still a newbie when it comes to the realm of graphic novels, I can say with confidence that I thoroughly enjoyed reading this visual representation based on the original novel 'The Graveyard Book' by Neil Gaiman. In both volume one and volume two, I could definitely see the appeal of the story, aided by wonderful illustrations which are both atmospheric and captivating.
When it comes to the storyline itself, Neil Gaiman did a fantastic job in creating something multifaceted and intriguing. Each new development which occurs and different element which converges adds to the overall enjoyment of the books for me - as it blended fantasy, reality and hints of the supernatural with a slight horror undercurrent at times that makes it appealing to many reading audiences out there.
What I especially appreciated while reading this was the use of different colours to create a particular mood that suited the events happening in the book. While the graveyard was typically presented in blue tones which heightened the mystical element, others in the outside world were brighter and highlighted the difference between the two. In graphic novels especially, these visual components are what can carry the story through. In this case I found everything to be executed really well.
Reading these two books felt almost cinematic - the way that the story flows with the minimal dialogue and flourishing images meant that the pages simply flew by. In volume one Nobody's journey through learning about the graveyard and being raised by ghosts was an interesting one. With each page and new 'section' of the book by the different illustrators - everything flowed effortlessly. Although each new artist in different chapters still held their own distinct qualities, the overall effect was not only satisfactory; but enchanting at the same time.
When it comes to the storyline itself, Neil Gaiman did a fantastic job in creating something multifaceted and intriguing. Each new development which occurs and different element which converges adds to the overall enjoyment of the books for me - as it blended fantasy, reality and hints of the supernatural with a slight horror undercurrent at times that makes it appealing to many reading audiences out there.
What I especially appreciated while reading this was the use of different colours to create a particular mood that suited the events happening in the book. While the graveyard was typically presented in blue tones which heightened the mystical element, others in the outside world were brighter and highlighted the difference between the two. In graphic novels especially, these visual components are what can carry the story through. In this case I found everything to be executed really well.
In all, both volume one and two of this adaptation really impressed me. I'll definitely be reading more from Neil Gaiman in the future, and will be on the lookout for some more graphic novels as well.
In all, both volume one and two of this adaptation really impressed me. I'll definitely be reading more from Neil Gaiman in the future, and will be on the lookout for some more graphic novels as well.
So, do you have any graphic novels you would recommend for me to read? Feel free to leave them in the comments below!
Posted by
12:00 am
4 stars
4.5 stars
Dual Reviews
Graphic Novel
Neil Gaiman
The Graveyard Book
YA Paranormal
Thursday, 23 October 2014

Released: 1st September 2013
Published by: HarperCollins Publishers Australia
Genre: YA Contemporary
Source: Bought
Pages: 256
My Rating: 5 of 5 stars
Goodreads | Bookworld | Dymocks
I hate being invisible.
I hate that I still can′t fight my own battles.
I hate that I can′t keep up with the demands of high school.
Sophie Kazzi is in Year 12 at an all-Lebanese, all-Catholic school where she is invisible, uncool and bored out of her brain. While she′s grown up surrounded by Lebanese friends, Lebanese neighbours and Lebanese shops, she knows there′s more to life than Samboosik and Baklawa, and she desperately wants to find it. Unfortunately, her father has antiquated ideas about women, curfews and the Lebanese ′way′. Bad news for Sophie, who was hoping to spend Year 12 fitting in and having fun - not babysitting her four younger siblings, or studying for final exams that will land her in an Accounting course she has no interest in.
Just when it looks like Sophie′s year couldn′t get any more complicated, Shehadie Goldsmith arrives at school. With an Australian father and a Lebanese mother, he′s even more of a misfit than Sophie. And with his arrogant, questioning attitude, he also has a way of getting under her skin...
But when simmering cultural tensions erupt in violence, Sophie must make a choice that will threaten her family, friends and the cultural ties that have protected her all her life. Are her hates and complaints worth it? Or will she let go ... and somehow find her place?
Sophie Kazzi is in Year 12 at an all-Lebanese, all-Catholic school where she is invisible, uncool and bored out of her brain. While she′s grown up surrounded by Lebanese friends, Lebanese neighbours and Lebanese shops, she knows there′s more to life than Samboosik and Baklawa, and she desperately wants to find it. Unfortunately, her father has antiquated ideas about women, curfews and the Lebanese ′way′. Bad news for Sophie, who was hoping to spend Year 12 fitting in and having fun - not babysitting her four younger siblings, or studying for final exams that will land her in an Accounting course she has no interest in.
Just when it looks like Sophie′s year couldn′t get any more complicated, Shehadie Goldsmith arrives at school. With an Australian father and a Lebanese mother, he′s even more of a misfit than Sophie. And with his arrogant, questioning attitude, he also has a way of getting under her skin...
But when simmering cultural tensions erupt in violence, Sophie must make a choice that will threaten her family, friends and the cultural ties that have protected her all her life. Are her hates and complaints worth it? Or will she let go ... and somehow find her place?
This is a book that caught my eye at BTCYA - and it certainly didn't disappoint! In Hate Is Such A Strong Word, Sarah Ayoub has created a fantastic and memorable novel where the main character is challenging cultural stereotypes, sticking to morals and values which she has for herself and taking the big step out of her comfort zone to ascertain her true identity within the broader Australian community. This novel is one in which I applaud the author for exploring the issues which can arise due to prejudices and misconceptions regarding various ethnic enclaves and finding the balance between maintaining aspects of one's cultural heritage with the 'new ways' from the country in which their family has settled.
I think about the fact that lots of the people around me are content to live in their little squares, without ever considering the plights of others. Suddenly the phrase 'ignorance is bliss' makes perfect sense, and I understand why half the kids at my school have pretty blissful lives.
What really stood out to me about this book was the main character and narrator Sophie. Coming from a Lebanese background in a relatively strict household with a father who wants to shelter her from any possible dangers of the outside world, she does stand out from some of her friends when it comes to having an early curfew, or not going to places at all because of the rules she is bound by. While she respected her family and their values, she also had those of her own. I admired her for the way in which she was assertive when others went against the new half-Australian guy Shehadie Goldsmith who came into the picture at school - even though it was a gradual progression from sticking to the crowd to being brave enough to voice her own opinion.
What is this situation if not an opportunity to grow, learn and prosper? Difference can make us stronger; we just have to be strong enough to accept it.
Aside from going into the multifaceted nature of Lebanese culture regarding social expectations, family gatherings and even the food (which sounded delicious), I really like how this novel looks at the universal experiences which all teens can relate to such as friendship dynamics shifting, boy troubles and getting along with siblings and other family members. All of these relationships are ones that Sophie had to juggle, and I felt that the depiction of these and her ways of coping with them were very relatable and realistic. I found that Hate Is Such A Strong Word is quite character-driven at its core, and with one that Sarah Ayoub has created so wonderfully, it only made me enjoy this book even more. That being said, the secondary characters also have their own distinct features and problems to deal with, adding further depth to the story.
This is my first read by Sarah Ayoub, and I can definitely say that it was an impressive one. No doubt when I see her next novel on the shelf I'll be picking it up with eager hands - because if it's anything of the same calibre as this one; then it's going to be fantastic! In all, this gets a well-deserved five stars from me.
This is my first read by Sarah Ayoub, and I can definitely say that it was an impressive one. No doubt when I see her next novel on the shelf I'll be picking it up with eager hands - because if it's anything of the same calibre as this one; then it's going to be fantastic! In all, this gets a well-deserved five stars from me.
Posted by
12:00 am
5 stars
Hate Is Such A Strong Word
Sarah Ayoub
YA Contemporary
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where the participants tell their readers about an upcoming release they are waiting to read. This week I've picked In The Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken.
Ruby can't look back. Fractured by an unbearable loss, she and the kids who survived the government's attack on Los Angeles travel north to regroup. With them is a prisoner: Clancy Gray, son of the president, and one of the few people Ruby has encountered with abilities like hers. Only Ruby has any power over him, and just one slip could lead to Clancy wreaking havoc on their minds. They are armed only with a volatile secret: proof of a government conspiracy to cover up the real cause of IANN, the disease that has killed most of America's children and left Ruby and others like her with powers the government will kill to keep contained.
But internal strife may destroy their only chance to free the rehabilitation camps housing thousands of other Psi kids. Meanwhile, reunited with Liam, the boy she would-and did-sacrifice everything for to keep alive, Ruby must face the painful repercussions of having tampered with his memories of her.
She turns to Cole, his older brother, to provide the intense training she knows she will need to take down Gray and the government. But Cole has demons of his own, and one fatal mistake may be the spark that sets the world on fire
But internal strife may destroy their only chance to free the rehabilitation camps housing thousands of other Psi kids. Meanwhile, reunited with Liam, the boy she would-and did-sacrifice everything for to keep alive, Ruby must face the painful repercussions of having tampered with his memories of her.
She turns to Cole, his older brother, to provide the intense training she knows she will need to take down Gray and the government. But Cole has demons of his own, and one fatal mistake may be the spark that sets the world on fire
Posted by
5:00 am
Alexandra Bracken
In The Afterlight
Waiting on Wednesday
YA Dystopian
Cover Reveal: You and Everything After by Ginger Scott
Ginger Scott is one of my all-time favourite contemporary authors, and so here is the reveal of the cover for her latest book and the second novel in the 'Falling' series, You and Everything After. You can read my review of the first book here.
I’m that teenaged girl who has MS. You haven’t met me, but you’ve seen me around. You probably know my sister. We’re twins, and she’s the pretty one. Maybe you’ve heard about my reputation, how much I like to hook up at parties—how easy it is to get me in bed, get what you want, and forget about me after.
Forget what you think you know. I’m leaving that girl behind.
College is all about new beginnings. So from now on—I’m just Cass. And the rest…it isn’t written yet. And no one else gets to write my story for me.
“Tyson Preeter doesn’t do can’t.”
That’s exactly what I want people to think when they see me. I am strong, invincible, confident, intelligent—arrogant. I’m the man who always finds a way around, over and through—until there’s nothing left. Since losing my ability to walk six years ago, I’ve relearned life. I don’t need sympathy. I don’t want charity. And I don’t do love.
It’s better this way, saves my disappointments for me, and me alone, and it saves my strength for everything I want.
But Cass Owens is about to wreck everything. She’s about to steal all of my strength away from me, because she needs it more. She’s about to break all of my rules, and break down all of my walls. She’s about to own me…completely.
And I'm about to let her.
And I'm about to let her.
“So honestly, when do I get to kiss you
again?” She laughs at my harsh left turn in our conversation. I love the way
she laughs. There’s this rasping sound that comes from deep inside her that
shows it’s genuine, and her smile creases deep into her cheeks.
She flops to her back, and I instantly kick
myself for causing her to move away. “You’re really trying to wear me down,
aren’t you?” she says, her hand running along the side of her face until she
covers her eyes, peering at me through her barely spread fingers.
“Wow, well…I’ve never really had to wear
anyone down before…” I say, shielding my slightly dented ego.
“And that’s precisely why we need to be
friends, and why I can’t kiss you…” she starts, and I interrupt.
“Again,” I say.
“Right, again,” she whispers and moves her
hand back to cover her eyes. I take this opportunity to roll onto my side and
really look at her, the way her lips barely part when she breathes, the small
twitches they make when she fights against her body’s urge to smile, the tiny
movement of her tongue as it wets her lips. I have to kiss her again.
“But…and hear me out,” I say, startling her
with how close I am. She uncovers her eyes and turns to face me, scooting back
a few more inches just to maintain this new self-imposed
“safety”distance. “Maybe the fact that I am willing to work so hard just
to get you to say yes makes you different.”
She stares into my eyes for several long
seconds, her lips slightly parted as she considers this. “Am I? Different?” she
“Now see, there’s the catch,” I say,
running my thumb softly over the wrinkles in the sheet between us. “I can’t
know for certain unless I kiss you again.”
“Oh really,” she says, smirking.
“Cross my heart,” I say, motioning my hand
across my chest. “It’s in the handbook.”
“There’s a handbook,” she says.
“Uh, duh. There’s always a
handbook,” I challenge back.
“And your handbook says you can’t tell if
I’m worth your time without jamming your tongue down my throat?” she fires
“Wow. Again with the word slap,” I say,
secretly loving this back-and-forth we’ve got going now.
“Word slap?” she questions.
“Yeah, like, you just bitch-slapped me in
the face with your words. Word slap,” I say with a shrug. She holds my gaze
after this and bites at the corner of her lip, her eyes squinting as she
decides her next move.
“Okay, how’s this,” she says, leaning in a
little closer, closing the gap in the invisible barrier she seems to have
instituted when I started talking about kissing. “You can kiss me again…” I
move toward her on instinct, but she’s quick to put her hand against my chest
to stop me. I grip it, tight, and meet the dare in her eyes. “But not until you
mean it.”
There’s a fire in her eyes when she says
this, one that I don’t disrespect, and don’t dare cross. It’s not threatening,
but it’s serious, and I have this feeling churning in my stomach that Cass
Owens is what Nate and I like to call a game changer. Her words have my
heart racing, my mind worried that I can’t mean it enough, at least not yet.
All of our playfulness from seconds before has ceased with this line she’s
drawn, and I will obey it.
Holding her gaze, I lift the hand I’ve
trapped against my body to my mouth and press my lips to her open palm. I don’t
speak, and I don’t break our line of sight. But I don’t kiss her, either.
Releasing 5th December 2014
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Cover reveal
Ginger Scott
NA Contemporary
This is Falling
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish. This week I'm sharing the top ten series I want to start.
1. The Rephaim by Paula Weston
Aside from the fact that I already own the first book, I haven't read paranormal YA in a while so I'm looking forward to this. Plus, it's by an Australian author which also makes me want to read it.
Aside from the fact that I already own the first book, I haven't read paranormal YA in a while so I'm looking forward to this. Plus, it's by an Australian author which also makes me want to read it.
2. The Program by Suzanne Young
I've seen good things about this dystopian YA series from other bloggers around, so I'm curious to try it out.
I've seen good things about this dystopian YA series from other bloggers around, so I'm curious to try it out.
These books seem downright creepy and thrilling, and after all the hype and people saying how amazing they are, I'm going to give them a go.
4. Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
I'm already a Collen Hoover fan, and I can't wait to start this series which is sure to be an emotional read.
5. Pivot Point by Kasie West
The idea of alternate realities make this series one I really want to read. Thankfully I have the first book already so I can make a start!
6. Every by Ellie Marney
7. Splintered by A.G. Howard
Stephanie from Chasm of Books really likes this series, and I like the sound of its Alice in Wonderland similarities.
8. Legend by Marie Lu
This is yet another YA dystopian series that has been on my TBR for way too long. It's time to read it.
9. The Violet Eden Chapters by Jessica Shirvington
I've really enjoyed some of Jessica Shirvington's other novels, and the fact that my English teacher even recommended this series makes me really want to start it.
10. Starbound by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
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NA Contemporary
Top Ten Tuesday
YA Dystopian
YA Fantasy
YA Paranormal
Monday, 20 October 2014

I was nominated by the lovely Bernadette from The Bumbling Bookworm for this award which was very exciting, so thank you!

There isn't just one winner as such, but rather it's a way of promoting smaller blogs and for bloggers to support each other.
Here are the rules:
- Link & Thank the blogger who nominated you
- Answer the 11 questions your nominator gives you
- Tag 11 other bloggers who have 200 or less followers
- Ask the 11 bloggers you nominated 11 questions and let them know you nominated them!
So let's do this!
- When did you start blogging and why?
I started blogging at the end of 2013 with Stephanie at Chasm of Books because she was looking for a co-blogger and I was looking for an opportunity to share my thoughts on books and other bookish things. I then started my own blog this year right here at Genie In A Book!
Among others, I've had Pivot Point sitting on my shelf unread for ages now, and I think it's time I finally started it.
Has a book ever made you want to travel somewhere, and if so where?
Reading Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins reinforced the fact that I would love to go to Paris one day!
How do you choose what book to read next:
are you a mood reader or do you stick to a schedule?
This depends on my blog schedule - usually I'll try to stick to what's on the calendar, but I try to balance that with other books I've borrowed from the library or that I simply can't wait to read for another second.
This depends on my blog schedule - usually I'll try to stick to what's on the calendar, but I try to balance that with other books I've borrowed from the library or that I simply can't wait to read for another second.
Where is your favourite place to read?
On my bed with a bunch of pillows.
Which do you prefer: reading the book before watching the movie adaptation, vice versa, or neither?
I generally try to read the book before I watch the movie if I've heard good things about it, but with others I don't really mind.
What’s your favourite book cover?

I just can't get over how beautiful it is.
When was the last time a book made you cry?
Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor was a tearjerker - books about cancer always seem to make me cry.
What was your favourite book and author as
a child?
Tough question! I remember a lot of the picture books I loved to read (and I still have them in a box somewhere), but when I was a little bit older I still remember loving the Thora series by Gillian Johnson. Novels by Roald Dahl definitely are up there too - with The BFG as my personal favourite.
Do you prefer to read e-books or physical books?
Although I don't mind reading on my e-reader, physical books will always top that. Nothing compares to holding a book in your hands and flipping through the pages.

If you had to recommend one book for me to read, what would it be?
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith is one of my favourite classics, which I would definitely recommend!
I nominate:
Joy & Alana @ Thoughts by J
Ely & Chami @ A Book So Fathomless
Pavan @ Keep It Fictional
Keely @ My Spin on Books
Ebony @ Daring Damsels
Francoise @ My Crazy Bookish World
Angel @ Angel Reads
Gina @ Behind The Pages
Kirsti @ Melbourne on my Mind
Vivienne @ This Book Saved My Life
And your questions are:
- What is your favourite thing about book blogging?
- How long have you been blogging for?
- Who is your favourite author of all time?
- How do you decide what to read next off your TBR?
- Do you generally prefer standalones or series?
- What is your biggest bookish pet peeve?
- Paperbacks, hardbacks, or ebooks - what's your favourite reading format?
- If you've been to any, what has been your favourite book event so far?
- What one author would you most love to meet in person?
- What is your favourite genre to read and why?
- What is the last book you read that you'd recommend to anyone?
Hope you enjoyed this post, and thanks again to Bernadette for the award!
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Hi everyone and welcome to my weekly blog feature to recap the week with bookish news and what to expect coming up! So without further ado...
*Reading Right Now*

Thanks to the BTCYA event, I bought these two pretties and couldn't wait to start them!
*Previous Posts*
- 20 Things You Might Not Know About Me Tag
- ARC Review: A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray (★★★★★)
- Waiting on Wednesday: Corruption
- ARC Review: This Is How It Ends by Jen Nadol (★★)
- Discussion: An Open Letter to Authors
*Recommendation of the Week*

So I went to BTCYA on Thursday and it was a brilliant book event! Amanda and Tim from the team were great presenters, and now I have so many more books to look forward to in the coming months. I also got to see some other bloggers from the Aussie YA blogging community which was fantastic, swapped some books and also bought a couple from the Dymocks stand they had. On top of that were the five amazing authors who were on the panel, including Jessica Shirvington, Tara Eglington, Sarah Ayoub, Frances Watts and Gabrielle Tozer who were all lovely and shared some great things about their books and writing in general. All in all, it was a great night filled with books, pizza and fangirling.
- Pavan @ Keep It Fictional is hosting a 'Firebird Event' for A Thousand Pieces of You
- Amanda @ Book Badger shared her favourite cover typography for books
- Author Jessica Brooks shared some bonus content from her Flora series for David and Dahlia's safety class
- Emily @ The Loony Teen Writer wrote a brilliant sarcastic post on 7 reasons why you shouldn't read YA books
- Kara @ Diary of a Teen Writer wrote a post on her rating system
*Book Haul*
For Review
- Corruption by Jessica Shirvington - This was exclusively for early sale at BTCYA - and I can't wait to see what's in store for Maggie Stevens now!
- Hate is Such a Strong Word by Sarah Ayoub - I also got this from BTCYA and am loving the sound of the really interesting premise, plus I met Sarah and she's lovely.
Book Swap thanks to Emily @ The Loony Teen Writer
- The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson - I've been wanting to read this for ages, so now I'll finally get the chance!
- All The Truth That's In Me by Julie Berry - This is another book that has been on my TBR for a long time, and it sounds like a fascinatingly mysterious story.
- Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Delliara - This sounds like it has the potential to be an emotional and beautifully written contemporary read.
- Eren by Simon P. Clark - I won this thanks to Kara @ Diary of a Teen Writer and although it's middle grade, it still looks pretty creepy!
From the Library
- Panic by Lauren Oliver - I really enjoyed her 'Delirium' series so I've got high expectations for this read.
- The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath - I've read/studies some of Plath's poetry and there is so much power and emotion behind her words. I'm looking forward to reading this novel to see more from her and expand my reading horizons.
For Review
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Thank you to Penguin Teen Australia! |
- Atlantia by Ally Condie - I've read her 'Matched' series which I quite liked, and so I'm curious to see what this latest release of hers is all about.
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A Thousand Pieces of You
Claudia Gray
Genie's Weekly News
Jessica Shirvington
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